RtI Plan
RtI Process
The Fort Edward Union Free School District has established a uniform process to determine student eligibility and need for Academic Intervention Services (AIS) and Response to Intervention (RtI). A student becomes eligible for AIS/RtI when he/she has not met a New York State standard or is determined to be “at risk” academically. The purpose of the AIS/ RtI is to help your child meet the NYS Learning Standards, achieve the required NYS assessment level and be prepared for the next grade level.
Selection for AIS/ RtI is based on a variety of elements depending on your child’s age and academic level. They are as follows:
- The New York State ELA or Math Test (grades 3-8)
- Guided Reading Levels (grades K-5)
- Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills Test (grades K-5)
- Regents Exams (grades 8-12)
- Teacher recommendation/classroom performance (grades K-12)
- Support Services recommendation (-12)
The Academic Intervention Services and Response to Intervention services are provided at varying levels of intensity based on your child’s individual needs.
- Level I- Classroom teacher will monitor progress. Extra help and instructional support will be available by the teacher.
- Level II- Classroom teacher monitor progress. Remedial assistance will be provided in addition to classroom support. This will take place at least 80/120 minutes per six-day cycle depending on need
- Level III- Possible CSE Referral for diagnostic testing
AIS and RtI are adjusted throughout the school year. As your child’s academic performance and aptitude to grow and develop, support services will be adjusted accordingly.
In order to discontinue AIS, your child needs to meet the following:
- Achieve the New York State Standard on test/assessments.
- Successful academic performance
- Successful Benchmark Testing
- Successful Regents performance
It is our desire to assist you and your child to succeed. Please feel free to contact the school if you need additional information about our academic intervention services.