Documents, Forms, Policies, Handbooks
Important Documents
Financial Information
District Policies
- Fort Edward School District Policy Manual
- Dignity for All Students
- Sexual Harassment Policy
- Acceptable Use Policy
- McKinney Vento Homeless Information
- Student Rights
- Student Absences
- Medication Policy
- Emergency Closing
- Attendance Policy - Grade 7-12
Fort Edward School District Policy Manual
Dignity for All Students
Dignity for All Students - Anti-Bullying Information and Resources
FEUFSD believes that all students deserve and have the right to be educated in a safe, nurturing, and supportive school environment that accepts them for who they are.
New York State Dignity for All Students Act?New law effective July 1, 2012
The goal of the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA), which took effect July 1, is to provide students with a safe, supportive educational environment that is free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment and bullying. Some of the law requirements include updating and/or establishing anti-harassment and discrimination policies and regulations, creating school training programs and incorporating or embedding civility, citizenship and character education into the curriculum for every grade level.
Fort Edward School already meets the DASA standards in many respects. From in-school character education sessions led by teachers and counselors to after school clubs, students at all grade levels are exposed to the ideas of tolerance, compassion and respect.
Resources for Parents
What is Bullying? A government website titled Stop Bullying Now defines it as:
Bullying happens when someone hurts or scares another person on purpose and the person being bullied has a hard time defending himself or herself. Usually, bullying happens over and over.
• Punching, shoving, and other acts that hurt people physically
• Spreading bad rumors about people
• Keeping certain people out of a "group"
• Teasing people in a mean way
• Getting certain people to "gang up" on others
Bullying also can happen online or electronically. Cyberbullying is when children or teens bully each other using the Internet, mobile phones or other cyber technology. This can include:
• Sending mean text, email, or instant messages
• Posting nasty pictures or messages about others in blogs or on Web sites
• Using someone else's user name to spread rumors or lies about someone
Each school has a Dignity Act Coordinator. In the Elementary School it is Mrs. LeBarron (747-4529 ext 3115, and in the MS/HS it is Mrs. Scotch (747-4529 ext 3123,
DASA Report Form Download
DASA Appeal of Determination/Decision Form Download
Sexual Harassment Policy
Acceptable Use Policy
McKinney Vento Homeless Information
McKinney Vento Homeless/ Unaccompanied Youth Program
Fort Edward Union Free School District
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act is a federal law that ensures immediate enrollment and educational stability for homeless children and youth. McKinney-Vento provides federal funding to states for the purpose of supporting district programs that serve homeless students.
Under McKinney-Vento, “homeless” is defined as individuals of school age who lack “fixed, regular and adequate housing.”
I think I might be homeless, what are some examples of homeless situations?
Here are several common examples. If you do not see your situation listed, please contact the McKinney Vento Liaison listed below to discuss your case in more detail.
Homeless |
Not Homeless |
Children and youth sharing housing due to loss of housing, economic hardship or a similar reason |
Families sharing housing with a relative historically or by choice |
Children and youth living in motels, hotels or campgrounds due to lack of alternative accommodations |
Families residing in a hotel as a result of a new home or renovations to an existing home |
Children and youth awaiting foster care placement |
Child in foster care |
Children and youth living in emergency or transitional shelters |
Children and youth whose primary nighttime residence is not ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation (e.g. park benches, etc) |
Children and youth living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations |
Migratory children and youth living in any of the above situations |
What does it mean if I am homeless?
Simply put, homeless designation means that the school district can provide additional supports and resources to support you during this difficult time. Each case is unique, but the most common needs are:
· Free meals for all homeless students
· Transportation if temporary residence is outside the district
· Flexibility in scheduling, as a result of transportation needs
· Expedited registration process to ensure that the child misses as little school as possible
· Additional supports for students through guidance
Who will know that I am homeless?
Information regarding homeless status is kept as confidential as possible. Information is provided to the business office, guidance department, registrar and faculty on a need to know basis. Personal information is not shared, only the information that is needed to provide adequate services in a timely manner.
Who do I contact?
The best person to contact at Fort Edward is the McKinney Vento Liaison. You may also notify the registrar or main office secretary and they will direct you to the liaison.
Joyce Long
McKinney Vento Liaison
(518) 747-4529 Ext. 3125
What will happen next?
After contacting the liaison, a meeting will be schedule promptly to determine the nature of your specific situation. During that time, you will have the opportunity to explain your circumstances and discuss with the liaison the resources that the school has at its disposal to assist you. There will be a small amount of paperwork to be completed at that time. Should transportation be required, the liaison will facilitate that process. Remember our goal is stabilize the learning environment as quickly as possible.
Then what?
After homeless status has been established, we will continue to work with you to provide supports in the weeks or months to come. It is important to remain in contact with the liaison as to any changes in your housing status. Moves to different temporary housing or fixed housing need to be reported to the liaison. The liaison will also reach out to you periodically to check on your status, it is essential that changes in contact information remain current.
Additional Resources:
· Federal McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act
· New York State Office for the Homeless
· Dispute Resolution/ Appeals Process
· Determining Eligibility
· Enrollment and School Selection
· Research on Homeless Education
Student Rights
Fort Edward students have all rights afforded them by federal and state constitutions, statutes, and regulations. Accordingly, students are reminded that certain responsibilities accompany these rights.
It shall be the right of each student to:
- Have a safe, healthy, orderly, and courteous school environment.
- Take part in all district activities on an equal basis regardless of sex, religion, national origin, or disability.
- Attend school and participate in all school programs unless suspended.
- Have rules and regulations available for review and explanation.
- Be suspended only after his or her rights have been observed pursuant to Education Law.
- Present his or her views of the facts in all disciplinary matters.
- Follow personal standards of dress and grooming.
- Express his or her opinions verbally as long as this expression does not interfere with the rights of others.
- It is the responsibility of each student to:
- Be familiar with and abide by all school rules.
- Work to the best of his or her ability in all academic and extracurricular pursuits.
- Behave responsibly when attending school functions and to accept responsibility for his or her actions.
- Seek help in solving problems that could affect his or her academic or extra-curricular achievement.
- Hold regular attendance in school and in class.
- Show respect for themselves and one another and his or her property.
- Dress in accordance with standards established by the Board and Superintendent.
- Make constructive contributions to the school and report fairly circumstances of school-related issues.
Student Absences
The Board of Education of the Fort Edward Union Free School District recognizes that student attendance in school is an important component of student success. Student interaction with teachers and other students in class helps to enhance the academic learning experience and provides a basis by which students can demonstrate mastery of subject matter.
The following reasons for pupil absences, tardiness, and early departure shall be considered by the Board of Education to be excused:
• Bereavement
• Religious observance
• Required court appearances
• Participation in a school-sponsored activity
• Pre-approved college visits
• Approved cooperative work programs
• Approved military commitments
• Suspensions
When you expect your child will be sick and cannot attend school:
Call the school as early as possible in the morning and inform the office that the child will be absent.
Write and sign a note which the child will submit to the attendance office when he or she returns to school.
If your child becomes sick during the day:
Board policy states that the student should report his or her illness to his or her teacher.
The teacher will sign a pass for the student to proceed to the nurse’s office.
The school nurse will take appropriate action, possibly calling the student’s parent or guardian.
Medication Policy
NYS law prohibits school nurses from dispensing, without written permission, any drugs or over-the-counter medications.
If your child is under a physician’s prescription to take medicine, please bring the medication, along with the prescription label, to the school nurse. The same procedure applies to aspirin, Tylenol, cold remedies and all other over-the-counter medicines.
If you wish to have your child take over-the-counter medication while in school, please bring the medicine to the school nurse.
Emergency Closing
In order to ensure the safety of students and staff, the Fort Edward School will close in inclement weather. If you expect school will be closed, please tune to the local radio and television stations below. You may also check our check our district website. We ask that you do not telephone the school. Thank you.
WBZA 1410 AM
WCKM 98.5 FM
WCQL 95.9 FM
WENU 101.7 FM
WGNA 107.7 FM
WGNA 1460 AM
WGY 801 AM
WHTR 107.1 FM
WNYQ 105.7 FM
WKBE 100.3 FM
WMML 1230 AM
WNYV 94.1 FM
WQAR 101.3 FM
WRVE 99.5 FM
WWSC 1450 AM
WYJB 95.5 FM
WZZM 93.5 FM
Capital News 9
Attendance Policy - Grade 7-12
Regular attendance is a necessary requirement in the learning process. This attendance policy calls attention to student absence when it occurs and enables the family and the district to cooperate in helping the student succeed. In order to promote and encourage regular attendance, credit for completion of all classes will be based, in part, on attendance with the following criteria:
- A student who is absent from any class other than for Band or Chorus in excess of 20 class periods for a 40-week course, or 10 class periods for a 20-week course, shall lose all credit for that course of study.
- If a student and his/her parents believe that extenuating circumstances were involved in a specific set of legal absences, they may petition the appropriate building principal for review. Then, if unsatisfied, an appeal may be made to the Superintendent of Schools for further deliberation and examination.
- Any first year BOCES student who misses 20 days or more of BOCES classes will not be allowed to return for his or her second year of study.
Annual Notifications
- Annual Notification of the Asbestos Management Plan
- Annual Professional Performance Review
- Anti-Idling Law
- Body Mass Index Information
- Child Abuse Hotline Notification
- Concussion Testing
- Data Privacy and Security
- Disclosure of Information to Military Recruiters
- Dispensing Medication in Schools
- District Emergency Management Plan
- Emergency Closing
- Equal Opportunity (Title IX)
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- Fire Safety Inspection
- Grade Promotion & Placement
- Hand Sanitizer Use
- Homeless Student Policy
- New York State ESSA-Funded Programs Complaint Procedures
- Non-Discrimination Notice
- NYS School Report Card
- Participation in Graduation Ceremonies by All Eligible Students
- Pesticide Notification
- Right to Know
- School Safety Plan
- Student Privacy
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act
- Teacher Qualifications (Title I)
- Water Testing
Annual Notification of the Asbestos Management Plan
The Fort Edward Union Free School District has submitted information regarding asbestos containing building materials in the school district to the New York State Education Department. This information is documented in the school district’s Asbestos Management Plan, which is in compliance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1987 (40 CFR Part 763). This memorandum is intended to fulfill the annual notification requirements.
Under the AHERA Regulation the school district is required to perform re-inspections on all facilities which contain asbestos-containing construction materials once every three years. Documentation related to the re-inspection is available in the Asbestos Management Plan. The AHERA regulations further require that periodic surveillances of the same asbestos containing materials be performed twice a year. These inspections have been, and continue to be, performed and records of the surveillances are also with the Asbestos Management Plan. The Asbestos Management Plan for Fort Edward School is available to the public for review. For more information, call the school’s main office at 747-4529, extension 3120.
Annual Professional Performance Review
APPR stands for Annual Professional Performance Review and it is the process by which teachers and principals are evaluated in New York State. The intent of APPR is to assist educators to improve the quality of instruction in schools and, in turn, to improve students’ performance and readiness for colleges and careers. District APPR plans must meet strict state guidelines and be negotiated with local unions. Under state guidelines, APPR takes into account classroom observations and student performance. Teachers and principals across New York ultimately receive an overall effectiveness rating every year.
All parents/guardians have the right to obtain the APPR quality ratings and composite effectiveness scores for their child’s current teacher(s) and principal(s) once they are available. Parents who wish to request these scores should contact the superintendent's office at 518-747-4529.
Anti-Idling Law
The Anti-Idling Law (Title 6 NYCRR, Subpart 217-3) prohibits the idling of a diesel or non-diesel fueled engine for more than five consecutive minutes except to maintain temperatures inside the vehicles during the cold or hot weather when it is required by certain regulations and the operation of equipment.
Fort Edward Schools Transportation Department monitors compliance with the Anti-Idling Laws. When loading or unloading our buses at school, buses are shut off during those times. The school is also responsible to ensure visitors at our school follow the same rules and regulations regarding the idling of buses.
Body Mass Index Information
As part of a required school health examination, a student is weighed and his/her height is measured. These numbers are used to figure out the student’s body mass index or ‘BMI’. The BMI helps the doctor or nurse know if the student’s weight is in a healthy range, is too high or too low. The number is used as a way to improve the health and well–being of children. Recent changes to the New York State Education Law require that BMI and weight status group be included as part of the student’s school health examination. District schools are at times required to take part in a survey by the New York State Department of Health. The information sent to the New York State Department of Health will help health officials develop programs that make it easier for children to be healthier.
As part of the survey, we will be reporting to the New York State Department of Health information about students’ weight groups in grades Prekindergarten, Kindergarten, 2, 4, 7 and 10. Only summary information is sent for the school district. No names and no information about individual students are sent, only numbers for groups of students that are collected from their health examination. However, you may choose to have your child’s information excluded from this survey report.
If you do not wish to have your child’s weight status group information included as part of a Health Department survey, please complete the opt-out form and submit it to your child’s school nurse: Sabrina Sinagra (
Child Abuse Hotline Notification
If you suspect a child is being abused or maltreated (neglected), report it by calling 1-800-342-3720, a toll-free 24-hour hotline operated by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. If you believe a child is in immediate danger, call 911 or your local police department. Information about reporting child abuse and maltreatment (neglect) is available online at
Concussion Testing
New York state requires tackle football programs to provide information about concussions and sub-concussive blows, and the injuries that might occur as a result of such blows, to the parents or guardians of all children participating in tackle football programs. Fort Edward School District provides you with the following materials so that you are aware of the risks of concussion and other brain injuries.
Data Privacy and Security
In January 2020, the NYSED Board of Regents adopted Part 121 of the Commissioner's Regulations for the Strengthening of Data Privacy & Security in NYS Educational Agencies to Protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) pursuant to Education Law sections 2-d, 101, 207, and 305. The Board of Education policy was adopted on March 9, 2020.
The Fort Edward UFSD policy details specific privacy protections that ensure:
Every use and disclosure of personally identifiable information (PII) by Fort Edward UFSD shall benefit students and the Fort Edward UFSD, such as improve academic achievement; advance efficient and effective school operations; empower families and students with information;
Personally identifiable information (PII) shall not be included in public reports or documents;
Parents, legal guardians, and eligible students (students who are age 18 or older) are afforded all the protections, where applicable, under the Family Education Rights Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and the federal regulations for implementing those statuates;
Alignment with the National Institute for Standards & Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework.
Annual training and notification for employees that handle student, teacher and/or principal PII.
Publication of the Fort Edward UFSD data security and privacy policy on its website for its community of stakeholders.
For more information please visit our Data Privacy and Security Page
Disclosure of Information to Military Recruiters
Pursuant to the federal No Child Left Behind Act, the school district must disclose to military recruiters and institutions of higher learning, upon request, the names, addresses and telephone numbers of our high school students. Parents have the right to request in writing that the district not release this information. Requests should be mailed to High School Guidance Counselor Joanna Scotch, Fort Edward Union Free School District, 220 Broadway, Fort Edward, NY 12828, or dropped off at the main office of the High School.
Dispensing Medication in Schools
School nurses dispense all medications (including over-the-counter medicines). State regulation prohibits the administration of any medication without a physician's order and parent's written permission. ALL medications must be brought in to school by an adult and in the original containers. The instruction for administering the medication must match the written instructions provided by the child's physician. Medications cannot be dispensed unless the two sets of instructions match.
District Emergency Management Plan
The Fort Edward Union Free School District has developed the Emergency and Disaster Management Preparedness plan as required by New York State Education Law Section 155.13. The regulation requires that each public school district have Emergency Management Plans in place and that information on emergency procedures be provided to all students and staff. The district will provide training throughout the year and conduct at least 12 fire drills, as well as a "go home" drill to test transportation and communication systems. Emergency evacuation information is posted in each classroom. For additional information on the Emergency Management Plan, please contact: Superintendent Richard DeMallie Ed. D. at 747-4529 ext.3100.
Emergency Closing
In order to ensure the safety of students and staff, the Fort Edward School will close in inclement weather.
Our district uses a notification system, BlackBoard Connect, which allows us to reach parents, students and staff members instantly.
If our school will be closed or delayed you will be notified by a automated phone message.
You may also tune to the local network television affiliates (WRGB, WTEN, WNYT, and WXXA), Capital News 9, or the regional FM and AM radio stations. Websites associated with each of these media outlets are also excellent sources of school closing information.
Also, be sure to check the Fort Edward Union Free School District Web site ( and social media for any up-to-the-minute cancellation information.
We ask that you do not telephone the school. Thank you.
Equal Opportunity (Title IX)
It is the policy of the Fonda-Fultonville Central School District to provide a learning and working environment that is safe, welcoming, and free from discrimination on the basis of sex. Title IX requires the school district not to discriminate. Reports of sexual harassment can be made at any time, including during non-business hours using the telephone number or e-mail address, or by mailing to the office address listed for the for the Title IX Coordinator:
- School Superintendent Richard DeMallie Ed.D. 518-747-4529 Ext. 3101 (
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), parents and students who are over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) have the right to inspect and review the student’s educational records. Such a request must be sent in writing to the main office of your school.
- Lecia Carpenter, Elementary School requests,
- Mindy Gregory, Middle School / High School requests,
Arrangements will be made to provide access to such records within 45 days after the request has been received.
Parents also have the right to request the amendment of the student’s education records believed to be inaccurate or misleading by writing to the Superintendent of Schools, identifying the record and specifying what they believe is inaccurate and why.
They have the right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information in a student’s education record, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. It is the district’s policy to disclose personally identifiable information from student records, without consent, to school district officials with legitimate educational interests (i.e., to fulfill professional responsibilities) and, upon request, to another school district or institution in which a student seeks enrollment. School officials include administrators, supervisors, instructors and support staff employed by the district; Board of Education members; a person or company (e.g., attorney, auditor or therapist) with whom the district has contracted to perform a special task; or a parent or student serving on an official committee or assisting another school official in performing duties. Parents who believe the district has not complied with FERPA requirements may file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC, 20202-4605.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Under the No Child Left Behind legislation and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the district is required to provide information to parents about their right to inspect student records and disclosure of student directory information. Here's what you need to know:
- Parents and 18-year-old students may inspect official records relating to the students, including progress reports, grades, aptitude and achievement test scores, psychological tests and teacher evaluations. A record may be challenged by parents or 18-year-olds when they believe it to be inaccurate or misleading. The principal may remove designated material if in agreement with the challenge. If the principal does not agree, the parent may appeal to the Superintendent either to have it removed or to add explanatory comments to the record in question.
- Individual student records are confidential and are not released to colleges, employers or elsewhere without written permission subject to the following exceptions. District schools may forward educational records to other schools that have requested them and in which a Schuylerville student seeks or intends to enroll. What the law refers to as "directory information" may be made public for school purposes unless a parent informs us in writing that they do not want this information made public. Directory information that we may make public includes: a pupil's name, address, phone number, grade level, honors or awards received, dates of attendance, photograph, age, membership in school athletic teams, activities or clubs, and (for athletes only) height and weight. Directory information is primarily made public so that students' accomplishments can be included in various publications, such as concert programs, yearbooks or honor rolls.
- Parents and 18-year-old pupils have the right to opt out of the disclosure of directory information by submitting a written request to the Superintendent. Requests need to be submitted annually and by September 10 of each school year. They can be dropped off in the main office of each building or sent to: Fort Edward Union Free School District, 220 Broadway, Fort Edward, NY 12828. Questions about school policies in connection with the family rights and privacy law can be addressed to building principal or the Superintendent of Schools.
Fire Safety Inspection
Grade Promotion & Placement
Decisions about student promotion and placement are at the discretion of the building principal or administration. These decisions are guided by recommendations of teachers and staff members, past academic performance, and parent/guardian input. Past academic performance refers to a variety of indicators of student achievement and growth. Promotion and placement decisions are not based solely on student performance on New York state assessments in grades 3-8 English language arts or mathematics. The district’s promotion and placement policy was adopted by the board of education following a review by the district administration.
Hand Sanitizer Use
Homeless Student Policy
All programs and services of the district are available to homeless students and unaccompanied youth. Whenever a homeless child or unaccompanied youth seeks to enroll in the district, and at least twice annually, while the child is enrolled, the parent and child will be informed of their rights. Some of these rights include the right to attend the school they previously attended or to attend school in the district of current location, the right to be enrolled even though the admission requirements have not been completed and prior student records are not available, and the right to transportation to and from school.
New York State ESSA-Funded Programs Complaint Procedures
Non-Discrimination Notice
The Fort Edward Union Free School District does not discriminate in employment or in the education programs and activities which it operates on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, religion, race, or handicap in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, or §504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the NYS Human Rights Law. Inquiries regarding this nondiscrimination notice may be directed to Section 504/Title IX Coordinator at (518) 747-4529
NYS School Report Card
Participation in Graduation Ceremonies by All Eligible Students
New York State Education Law requires Fort Edward Union Free School District to inform students and parents/guardians of the district’s policy that all eligible students are allowed to participate in a high school graduation ceremony and associated graduation activities with their graduating class (i.e., the 12th-grade class with which such student entered into ninth grade). This includes students who have been awarded a Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential or Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential.
Pesticide Notification
The Fort Edward Union Free School District may use pesticide products periodically throughout the year. The Pesticide Neighbor Notification Law requires school districts to maintain a list of staff and persons in a parental relation who wish to receive 48-hour written notice prior to the application of pesticides. Written notifications will include the date, locations and product used for each application. For further information or to be placed on the school-specific 48-hour notification list, please contact the District at (518) 797-4594, Ext 3120.
Right to Know
As a parent of a student in the Fort Edward Union Free School District, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teacher(s) who instruct your child. Federal law allows you to ask certain information about your child’s classroom teacher(s) and requires us to give you this information in a timely manner if you ask for it.
Specifically, you have the right to ask for the following information about each of your child’s classroom teacher(s):
- Whether the NYS Education Department has licensed or qualified the teacher for the grades and subjects he or she teaches.
- Whether the NYS Education Department has decided that the teacher can teach in the classroom without being licensed or qualified under state regulation because of special circumstances.
- The teacher’s college major and whether the teacher has any advanced degrees and, if so, the subject of the degree.
- Whether any paraprofessionals provide service to your child and, if they do, their qualifications.
Please contact the district office at (518) 747-4529 if you wish to access this information.
School Safety Plan
The Fort Edward Union Free School District Safe Schools Plan is a comprehensive look at all of the factors that contribute to school safety. The plan was developed in accordance with New York State’s Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) legislation, research and the input of representatives from many constituencies within the school community. An important component of the SAVE legislation was for school districts to implement instruction in civility, citizenship and character education. This year, Fort Edward will continue our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Program (PBIS). PBIS is a researched based model that defines strategies for teaching and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create positive school environments. The District also engages in safety drills. In addition to required fire drills, the District aims to practice four lock-downs annually. One of the drills is done in conjunction with both state and local law enforcement agencies and emergency personnel. Fort Edward has received high marks and praise at debriefing meetings after the drills, with respect to the effectiveness of our procedures. The District Wide Safe Schools committee works throughout the year to update the plan as needed. The oversight of the plan by the committee ensures that changes are effected in a continuous and timely manner.
Student Privacy
The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment provides parents/guardians with certain rights regarding the conduct of surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams. In particular, if a survey is funded in whole or part by the U.S. Department of Education, parents/guardians have the right to consent before students are required to complete a survey that asks about any of the following protected areas:
- Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parents/guardians;
- Mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s family;
- Sexual behavior or attitudes;
- Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior;
- Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships;
- Legally recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors, or ministers;
- Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or student’s parent; or
- Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility.
Parents/guardians will also receive a notice and an opportunity to opt students out of the following:
- Any other survey that asks about the above protected areas;
- Any non-emergency, invasive physical exam or screening required as a condition of attending school or school functions, with the exception of physical exams or screenings required or permitted by state law (e.g. hearing, vision, or scoliosis); and
- Activities involving collection, disclosure, or use of personal information collected from students for marketing or to sell or otherwise distribute the information to others.
Parents/guardians have the right to inspect any surveys that ask about the above protected areas, as well as surveys created by third parties that are used to collect personal information from students for marketing purposes, and instructional materials used as part of the curriculum.
The school district will directly notify parents/guardians of its student privacy policy at the start of each school year and after any substantive changes. Parents/guardians will also be provided with reasonable notification of specific activities or surveys covered by this policy and the ability to opt their child out of such activities.
These rights transfer from the parents/guardians to a child who is at least 18 years old or an emancipated minor.
Anyone who believes their rights have been violated may file a complaint with: Family Policy Compliance Office; U.S. Department of Education; 400 Maryland Avenue, SW; Washington, D.C. 20202.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act
The Dominic Murray Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act is a new law as of July 1, 2022. It requires schools, students, and parents/guardians to be informed about sudden cardiac arrest risks, signs and symptoms.
The goal of the Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Prevention Act is to promote safe interscholastic athletics and to prevent incidents of SCA in student-athletes.
The law requires districts to provide information to parents/guardians of student-athletes prior to the student’s participation in any interscholastic athletics. The law also requires coaches to hold a valid certificate of completion of first aid training through a nationally recognized organization.
SCA is an emergency that happens when the heart suddenly stops working. SCA can cause death if not treated immediately. Immediate treatment is cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use of an automatic external defibrillator (AED). SCA in students at risk can be triggered by athletic activities. All public schools must have a staff member trained in the use of CPR and AED in school and at all school athletic events.
Preventing SCA before it happens is the best way to save a life. Both your family health history and your child’s personal history must be told to healthcare providers to help them know if your child is at risk for sudden cardiac arrest.
To decrease any chance of SCA in a student, the Interval Health History for Athletics must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian before each sports season unless a physical examination has been conducted within 30 days before the start of the season. This form has questions to help identify changes since the last physical examination or health history was completed. School personnel may require a student with health or history changes to see a healthcare provider before participating in athletics.
The law also requires any student who has signs and symptoms of pending SCA to be removed from athletic activity until seen by a physician. The physician must provide written clearance to the school for the student to be able to return to athletics.
Please visit the NYSED Health Services webpage for additional information. You may also email the NYSED Office of Student Support Services or call 518-486-6090.
Teacher Qualifications (Title I)
Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), parents/guardians have the right to know the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teachers, including:
- Whether a teacher has state certification for the grade levels and subjects he or she is teaching;
- Whether a teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived;
- Whether the teacher is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher;
- Whether their child receives services from paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications; and
- Whether their child has been taught for four or more weeks in a row by a teacher “who does not meet applicable state certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned.”
Parents/guardians may request their child’s classroom teacher’s professional qualifications by contacting the Superintendent of School (518) 747-4529 Ext. 3101
Water Testing
2024 Lead in Water Notification (Click here to download)
LIW Sample Results Document (Click here to download)
Water Sample Log (Click here to download)