Fort Edward Parent Teacher Organization
Our PTO is a formal organization composed of parents, teachers, and staff whose intention is to facilitate parental participation in a public school.
At the local level, the goal of all parent-teacher groups is to support their schools, encourage parent involvement, support their teachers and organize family events.
We encourage every family to join PTO and get involved and help make our school the best that it can be!
** All residents of the Fort Edward School District are welcome to join the PTO! **
Whether you are a parent of a student or a graduate, a teacher, an alumni, or a Fort Edward resident, all are welcome!
We also encourage our high school students to volunteer and give back to the school and community.
You choose your participation level and we'll find a perfect fit for you!
We meet in the school cafeteria the 2nd Thursday of every month at 5:30 pm:
To find out more, email us at: PTO@fortedward.org or leave a message at: (518) 747-4529 ext. 6830
Like us on Facebook:
Our events are not possible without volunteers!
Chaperones and help to set-up & clean-up are always needed!
Notice to parties asking for donations from PTO, monetary or otherwise:
Requests for monetary or other donations of goods or time, must be submitted in writing, at minimum of one month in advance. This will allow us to review your request as a group at our next meeting. It is highly encouraged that any requester attend the meeting prior to their request and address the group in person.
Due to our own fundraising limitations, we will honor one request per group, per school-year. All requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis and are subject to review by all of the officers and the participating members.
Please submit inquiries to the group for review at our next meeting at: PTO@fortedward.org
- Campbell's Labels for Education
Click here for more information, including how to clip labels and to check the progress of our school!From the home page, click on the "How to Earn" tab at the top of the page.
- Box Tops For Education
Find out how to support the F.E. School!!! Clip Box Tops from your favorite products Look for the 10¢ Box Tops coupon on hundreds of your favorite products. You can find Box Tops on brands such as Cheerios®, Betty Crocker®, Pillsbury®, Ziploc®, Kleenex®, Hefty® and more! - Hannaford Helps Schools
Click here to find out more about how it works, when it runs and a complete list of participating products.SHOP AT HANNAFORD AND SUPPORT THE F.E. SCHOOL! Simply purchase partipating products, get your 'school bucks' at the register, drop receipt in the FE slot in the front of the store. That's it!
- School Resources
This site has a little bit of something for everyone. Here you will find an abundance of information; from Kindergarten to High School, Early Learning to Special Needs and lots of information on preparing for College.