Thank You for Voting to Fortify Our Future!

Fortify Our Future

  • On May 21, 2024, Fort Edward Union Free School District voters approved a $14,700,000 capital project titled, "Fortify our Future".  The project will focus on 4 key areas: safety and security, facilities improvements, roofing repair, and HVAC. The Capital Project is 90% funded through state aid and is a tax-neutral project for the Fort Edward community. This project will have no additional impact on your taxes! 

    Proposed Safety and Security Enhancments

    Some of the proposed safety and security enhancements will include new sidewalks and paving in select areas around the building. One of the major updates will be new sidewalks across the front of the building. To help enhance our campus safety, exterior lighting will be added, and older fixtures will be updated or replaced. Paving will be completed to replace failing asphalt in the parking lots and walkways. This will also include better automobile access to our track area. 

    Sidewalk Conditions

    Paving Issues

    Front Sidewalk

    Track / Road Intersection

    Improve the turn for easier automobile access to the track. 

    Stairs Showing Lighting Imporvements

    HS Updated Lighting

     Along with new front sidewalks, the stairs and doors in the front of the high school will be repaired and/or replaced.

    HS Main Entrance Stairs

    HS Front Stairs With Lighting

    Our schools' main entrance will also be reconfigured for a secure visitor waiting area. As an additional safety enhancement, we will add a school wide backup generator for use during an emergency. 

    Main Office Door

    The window next to the office entrance (shown above) will be replaced with a secure window for ID scanning. The front office and nurses' office will be redesigned to include an office for our building principal (shown below). 

    Office Floor Plan


    Facilities Improvements

    Facilities improvements include replacement of original materials, such as replacing wall pads in the gym and repairing the football field irrigation system. The exterior of the high school will see masonry wall repairs and cleaning. The first photo shows staining on the front brick that will be removed during the cleaning process. The third photo below shows an area of the school that needs repointing to bring the mortar joints back to their original condition. 

    Gym Wall Pads

    The original gymnasium padding will be replaced. 

    HS Masonry Close Up

    The staining of the brick on the first of the high school will be removed. 

    Mortar Joints

    As shown above, the mortar of the original brickwork needs to be repointed to return it to its original condition. 

    Playground Redesign and Improvements 

    One of the major changes planned as part of the facilities' improvement portion of the capital project is a new playground for our elementary students. The new playground will be fully ADA compliant, allowing all students to enjoy the playground. This process involves adding a new playground surface that is wheelchair accessible. New equipment will also be added that is ADA compliant and fun for all students. 

    Original Playground Equipment

    Playground Improvements Playground Improvements

    Playground Improvements Playground Improvements

    Roofing Improvements

    The capital project will address various roofing issues across our buildings. Shown below are areas where roofing damage or leaks have occurred. In addition to roof replacement, various rooftop exhaust fans will also be replaced and tied into our building's HVAC control system. 

    Roofing Damage

    Shown above and below are examples of roof flashing that has failed and needs repair / replacement. 

     Roofing Damage

    Roofing Damage

    Sections of roof have exposed fasteners showing through the surface, requiring the roof to be replaced (shown above and below).

    Roof Repair

    Exhaust Vents

    Existing roof ventilation units that will be replaced along with the roof. 

    Roofing Damage

    The chimney cap has failed and will be replaced.


    Heating Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC): 

    Planned upgrades to our building's HVAC system include adding air conditioning to various parts of the building, including the main gymnasium and selected classrooms on the third floor of the high school. The plan also includes the replacement of vintage hearing units and leaking HVAC piping. We also plan to enhance our DDC building controls to increase efficiency and energy savings across the district. Finally, the dust collector in our technology classroom will be replaced and the kiln ventilation unit in the art room will be replaced. 

    HVAC UnitHVAC Unit

    Dust CollectorArt Kiln Vent




Project Timeline

    • January 2023 - May 2024 - Pre-Referendum 
    • May 21, 2024 - Capital Project Vote
    • May 2024 - January 2025 - Finalize Project Design Work  
    • January 2025 - September 2025 - State Education Department Review 
    • October 2025 - December 2025 - Send Project Out for Competitive Bids
    • January 2026 - December 2027 - Construction Phase