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Positivity Project Review - Gratitude

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Over the last two weeks our school community focused on the character strength of Gratitude.  Gratitude means you are aware of and thankful for good things that happen. Out of all 24 character strengths, gratitude is the single best predictor of individual well-being. It is correlated with increased energy, empathy, happiness and optimism.   The feeling of a “Gratitude Attitude” was in the air this week!

Here are some P2 Spotlight Stories that were shared with me over the last 10 days:

  • Ms. Erchak and her students decided to start a "What are you thankful for?" area on the inside of their classroom door, where the kids wrote something/someone they're thankful for on a Post-It.

  • In grade 7 Mrs. Lucas focused on the POWER of POSITIVE WORDS and showing gratitude to others.  Students took turns standing at the board while others showed their gratitude writing positive words and phrases about each other.  This was very powerful!

  • Mrs. Bruce’s class took time to write gratitude acrostic poems while Grade 6 ELA students wrote letters to show their gratitude towards others.  

  • There is a  Staff Shoutout Bulletin Board by the Superintendent’s Office where faculty and staff have given a shout out to a fellow colleague who has gone above and beyond for a student, co-worker, community member, etc.  It takes a village here at the FORT and we are grateful and thankful to all that help make Fort Edward a special place. 

  • Miss Jade, our social worker made a student’s day by writing him a gratitude letter.  Kindness can be contagious!   

During this time of Thanksgiving, I want to share my gratitude and thank you for being such an important part of our children’s lives. This is a wonderful time of the year to get together with friends and family to celebrate and be thankful for all the wonderful people in our lives.  I would like to thank you for your continued support of the Positivity Project here at Fort Edward and wish you all a safe and happy holiday. We will see everyone back here on November 27th where we will focus on the character strength of Kindness.