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Enrichment Students Visit Fort Edward Fire Department

Enrichment Students Visit Fort Edward Fire House

Student Group Picture

Fort Edward Fire Department

Yesterday our After School Enrichment group, FORTS First Responders had an incredible experience visiting the Fort Edward Fire Department. They had the opportunity to explore the trucks, discover various equipment, and even got to try out using a real firehose!

A special shoutout to our fantastic Fort Edward Fire Department volunteers for graciously hosting us and providing such an informative and engaging tour. This visit was made possible by our school nurse, Miss Sinagra, and her dedication to the FORTS First Responders club.

During these sessions, the students have been learning valuable skills such as basic first aid and CPR. Additionally, they will be focusing on self-care practices and the importance of healthy nutrition.

It truly was a fantastic day to be a FORT!

Fire House Visit

Firehouse Visit

Firehouse Visit